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Nuestro colegio

El amor, principio, fin y motor de nuestra formación

The Regnum Christi Network of Schools is an educational community of excellence, with more than 60 years of experience, focused on the integral formation of children and adolescents, where the joy of meeting Jesus Christ and being his apostles is experienced.

We seek integral formation that includes each person’s different talents and characteristics: intelligence, will, affectivity, as well as the realm of relationships. The purpose of the School is to form people with integrity and Christian leaders to transform society. The center of our model is the human person, conceived as unique and unrepeatable, called to grow, help others and contribute to a better world.

Cumbres is a Bilingual School, Calendar B (Distributed in 40 academic weeks and 12 for vacation). The school year for students begins in August and ends in June of the following year.


We will be a leading School in lieu of the formation of good, integral human beings – extraordinary in life projections. People who are ethical, committed, reflexive, helpful, and responsible with the world around them; capable of impacting the main social and economic sectors of the country by compelling actions using cutting edge, global competences founded on a solid spiritual, apostolic and human formation.


Cumbres School is an International educational institution, who facilitates the formation and development processes of integral people, throughout preschool, elementary, middle and high school. It fosters the students becoming positive action Catholic leaders through a human, spiritual, social and intellectual preparation that promotes the authentic development of the human being and society, through formative environments conducive to learning in a globalized context.

El amor debe permear todo el quehacer del Colegio.

Educational Principles

Our educational principles are focused on the integral formation of children and adolescents.

Love, beginning, end and engine of our formation.
Comprehensive companionship and support
Family Allies
Responsibility and social commitment
Educational discipline
Training in freedom
Safe and formative environments
Innovation and harmony

Pedagogical Model

Personalization of learning

Main actor and responsible for their learning and formation.


  • Learn to know, love, and respond to God.
  • Learn to think.
  • Learn to love and choose well.
  • Learn to live and serve.

Educator, witness, mentor and guide.


  • Renders feedback to foster reflection and continuous improvement.
  • Stays updated and does research to develop his talents.
  • Forms learning communities with all educational stakeholders.
  • Is aware of the degrees of maturity and development of the students, as well as the purpose, focus and content at each educational level.
  • Is a role model who is committed to action.

Learning must start from reality to know it, understand it and transform it for the common good.

  • Understanding the family
  • The community
  • The natural and social world

It sustains and enriches the teaching-learning relationship that occurs between the student and the teacher.

  • Includes active methodologies
  • Disciplinary approaches
  • Educational Materials
  • Flexible and interactive environments
  • Educational technology
modelo educativo